C (278/301)

From:Christian Hattemer
Date:19 Aug 99 at 13:39:39
Subject:Re: Structure Arrays

From: Christian Hattemer <Chris@heaven.riednet.wh.tu-darmstadt.de>

On 19-Aug-99 Allan Odgaard wrote:

> I admit that Insert is faster, but notice that InsertSingle gets closer
> and closer to the time of Insert. I'd imagine that the reason why

These results are quite interesting, but since you have quite good contact
to him, why not ask which one is the wrapper?

Anyway, being able to use Insert is only a side-effect of some other changes
and not one of the main reasons.
I don't want to explain everything now, I'll make the source available when
I'm finished.

Bye, Chris

__ /// Amiga 4000T 040/40 Team *AMIGA*
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